Your help makes things happen. Support the future you want to see.


Culture Project

We hope you will consider taking this opportunity to make a donation to Culture Project or one of our other banner initiatives, Women Center Stage or Blueprint for Accountability. Your contribution will enable us to continue bringing untold stories to the New York stage and beyond.

/// All donations are tax-deductible. Culture Project is a 501(c)3 organization.



Women Center Stage

launched in 1996, Women Center Stage (WCS) is Culture Project’s banner initiative that is committed to supporting and promoting the work of women artists. WCS is a celebration of the unique contribution made by women towards social justice and human rights. Each year we host a festival, featuring a dynamic and diverse laboratory for works in progress by female performers.

Blueprint for Accountability

Blueprint for Accountability is our acclaimed town hall series; a bold hybrid of investigative theatre and film that brings together leading experts in politics, journalism, academia, and social activism along with visionary artists. This high-voltage, multi-media conversation aims to educate, entertain, and mobilize citizens to restore accountability back to our civic society.


/// To learn more about how you can support our programs and for information regarding major gifts, please CONTACT US or give us a call at (212) 925 1806.